Thursday, October 23, 2008

First Meeting

As your exalted Leader it is my duty to make the critical decisions. With out my even temper and guiding hand we would quickly fall into to anarchy... or worse, sobriety. It is with that in mind that I have set a date for our first official meeting and picked the style.

The First Meeting of Beer Club will be called to order on November 23rd, the chosen style will be Stout.

I know, I know, that seems like a long way away. But, do to several holidays taking place in sequence (Halloween and Deer Season) the 23rd is the soonest we can do it. The upside to this is that it gives you all exactly 1 month to research Stouts.

Stouts and porters are very similar beers, with the distinction that stouts include roasted barely. For our purposes we will not distinguish between the different varieties of Stouts, yet. Milk, oatmeal, chocolate and all other stouts are welcome. Today I picked up a pack of the Schell's Stout - a London style sweet Stout - just to refresh my memory.

Once a member has selected a Stout they should post a comment claiming that brew so that we can avoid duplicates. After everyone who is going to show has posted their choice I will pick a surprise brew, which will be revealed after the tasting.

Note: Leinenkugel's Creamy Dark is not a Stout.


Kai said...

I am going to take the initiative to claim/propose the first stout, Summit Oatmeal Stout.

SATRE said...

I'm going to bring Lion Stout.

rhineth said...

I'm going to try and find something crazy, but otherwise I'm going to bring Coopers Extra Stout.

rhineth said...

depending on how much it is, I might get Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout.

Eric said...
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Eric said...

I'll be bringing Rogue Chocolate Stout. What time does the drinking begin?

Andy said...

Looks like the beverage of choice for Sunday is a milk, but unfortunately not a stout. We had a baby girl on Thursday night and Sunday is the first day home, so no "beer pass" for me. I'll be looking forward to the next meeting, you can count on that!!

Tyler said...

The secret beers are chosen. Also, there will be chili... if you dare.

Tyler (aka The Generalissimo)