Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Founding of Beer Club

I love beer. The combination of malt, hops and yeast is probably the greatest inventions of all time. Well, at least the greatest beverage of all time. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." So who am I to argue with Mr. $100 bill? Beer is the liquid version of God's love.

It is amazing how such a simple recipe can create such a wide range of flavors. The huge variety of beer is one of its best characteristics. You don't have to limit yourself to just one beer, or one style of beer, instead there is a beer for every situation. How could you go through life drinking only ales? or Hefe-weizens? No, experiencing the variety of beer is half the fun.

But, with in each style of beer there is even more variety. No two stouts are alike, no two ales the same. But how to determine which Kolsch is the perfect Kolsch? or which Lager is the best Lager? And which is the worst? We all know that some beers are sub-par, how to seperate the wheat from the chaff? How can you drink enough of these beers to be able to make a judgment on them?

This question puzzled me for some time, kept me awake at night and finally drove me to drink. My first solution was to drink even more beer, but it was like wandering in the dark. It was too hard to compare beers if you drank them a week apart, the subtle differences were lost to time. It occurred to me to keep a beer journal, but if you have gotten this far you already know I am not much of a writer. Clearly, I needed help.

That was when the idea for Beer Club came to me. I would recruit a team of hop heads, beer snobs and drunks and combine our beer drinking effort. Only then could we drink enough beer to have a chance to find the best. With determination, elbow grease and many many trips to the john we would find those exceptional beers.

We are the Hop Heads of Beer Club and our quest is to find the best beers in the world.

1 comment:

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like the blog.
It is very beautiful
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal